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Git Exercise 2 - Making changes

Keeping track of new work

You thought of a few more things for the living room after talking with your friends. Open the file with nano living_room.txt, then add “decorate” and “change lights”. The file should now look like below. Save it and exit the editor.

- paint
- move furniture
- decorate
- change lights

How has this changed the state of the repo? Run:

git status

Git will list living_room.txt as modified.

You can always inspect how the current working version differs from any previous revision.

To simply compare current files with the latest committed versions, run:

git diff

This will list all differences from the last revision. If you had more files and only wanted to see differences in some of these, run git diff followed by the file names you want to see, separated by space.

The format can be a bit hard to read, but look for lines marked with - and +. These mark lines that were removed and added, respectively.


The diff tool marks changes per line. So for changes inside a line, you’ll see that line removed and added with the changes.

While not guaranteed to be available for any given system, visual diff tools can make life much easier. For Windows and Linux, check out Meld and for macOS there are DiffMerge and FileMerge (included in XCode). These can be used independently of any versioning tracking system to compare any files and directories.

This ability to inspect differences using standard tools is another reason so many projects have documentation in plain text formats (Markdown, HTML, etc.). While possible, diffing e.g. PDFs and Word files require extra programs that may or may not work and the process is no longer transparent. Text is (almost) universal and is accessible by any program.

Let’s record the changes. These first need to be added to the staging area:

git add living_room.txt


Everything that is to be tracked needs to pass through the staging area before being committed. While this seems tedious, it allows you to choose which changes to commit at any given point. And if you really hate the feature, you can bypass it by saying git commit --all but be careful about adding unwanted files and changes.

If you want to add all changes made to the repo or add all untracked files (in all files!), run git add --all.

Important Note:

Always remember to commit as little as sensible in one go. It will save people headaches in the future, especially when you’re modifying an existing repo, with lots of files and data. For instance, if you change several files, you should commit each file separately (unless it’s critical that these changes be synchronized). This helps in at least 3 situations:

And now commit the changes and inspect the log.

git commit -m "Add items as per discussion"
git log

You will see the revisions in reverse chronological order, marked by their revision IDs (long alphanumerical sequences). These uniquely mark a given revision.

To compare any current file to its state in a certain revision, give that revision ID as a parameter, as below.

Note: your IDs will be different.

git diff 0ecfb80ba19e5ede972ed3e6dc22c82f2015812c living_room.txt

(You should be able copy and paste in the terminal window, to spare yourself the typing.)

Or you can use only the first 6 letters

git diff 0ecfb8 living_room.txt

Note: Some tools (e.g. Github) will show you the shorter ID (first 6 characters) The reason is that for a single repo, shorter sequences may be used to uniquely identify revisions, but git tries to be absolutely sure each ID is unique, hence the longer “true” ID. You’re of course not supposed to know these IDs. Rather, go through the log and look for the appropriate commit message and use whatever ID is given there.

Reverting changes

Let’s say you’ve changed your mind and the extra tasks aren’t feasible. So we should revert the living room file to a previous state. We can use the checkout command for this. (Think of it like “checking out” a book copy from a library.)

You will need to tell git which revision to get by giving its ID. So run git log first (or look at the output from the last time you ran it), then find the commit message that you know was set to the revision you’re looking for. When in doubt, diff with revision to check.

Note: your IDs will be different.

Careful that you write the name of the file. checkout does something quite different without a specified file name (confusingly enough).

git checkout 0ecfb8 living_room.txt

But remember that git considers anything deviating from the last revision as a difference. (Well, technically, from the revision marked as HEAD - more below). If you run git status you will see that living_room.txt is marked as modified and it’s already in the staging area. This is because we haven’t modified the version we checked out any way.

So we only need to commit this change:

git commit -m "Revert file after further consideration"

This action can be performed on uncommitted changes.

To undo any changes since the latest commit, simply run the command below. The HEAD tag points to the current revision in the repo, normally the last to be committed. (Some operations can move this tag to a given branch or revision.)

git checkout HEAD living_room.txt

Important Note

Here we have looked at operations per file. You can also perform similar operations on entire revisions. However, the commands work differently.

Do not use git checkout <revision ID> to undo changes that were committed since then. This “detaches” the HEAD tag and would naturally be followed by a branching operation or deletion of all revisions after that point. You should use git revert <revision ID> instead, which simply adds a new commit undoing the changes in the given revision, not touching the repo history. See the Reset, Checkout, and Revert page under Further Reading below for more details.


Further Reading


Exercise 3

Chalmers University of Technology 2018